Pet Cremation, Funeral & Burial Services

Pet Cremation, Funeral & Burial Services

Pet Cremation Services

You may select private or group cremation for your pet. Our crematories are operated on-site by certified crematory operators with the utmost respect for your pet. You will receive your pet’s cremated remains in a standard tin from a private cremation, or you may select an urn or keepsake box from our selection of products. Cremated remains are not returned from group cremation services.

Cremated remains will be returned to the requesting clinic or available for pick up at our office in Sherwood.

Private Cremation Prices

Private Cremation services range in price, depending upon the size of your pet.  Please call (920) 989-2600 for information.

Priority Cremation

We offer a Priority Cremation service for families wishing to be present for the cremation of their beloved pet. You may stay through the start of the cremation and take your pet home with you when the cremation is completed. Please call for more information or to schedule a Priority Cremation.

Pet Columbarium

Our pet columbarium offers a beautiful spot for your pet’s cremated remains, located adjacent to our pet cemetery and memorial gardens.

1 Space (door front and container)

Pet Funerals

We can arrange to hold a funeral for your pet; a wonderful way to honor your beloved pet companion. Funerals may be held with open caskets, closed caskets or with the pet’s cremains in urns or keepsake boxes. Prices vary; please contact us for a quote.

Cemetery Lots & Pet Burials

  • Lay your pet to rest in a peaceful, beautiful setting that you can visit for years to come. Our pet cemetery is maintained and protected with an Endowed Care Fund Trust.
  • 30″ X 54″ Burial Plot which includes a concrete foundation with opening and closing fees

Monuments, Grave Markers & Garden Stones

Seasonal Flowers are available to purchase by calling our office.